
Comments and reviews of Believing In the Magic

In this second book of the series Sarah’s Gift, Erica Tucci delivers another tale that engages and inspires the reader to accept their own intuitive gifts. Children will be delighted with this story and with the entire series.” — Dr. Steven Farmer, Co-author (with Jessica Camacho) of Children’s Spirit Animal Cards and Children’s Spirit Animal Stories Vols. I and II.

“I am raving about the second book Believing in the Magic in the Sarah’s Gift Book Series by author Erica Tucci. As soon as I started reading the first few pages I couldn’t put the book down. As a young child I remember magical moments in my life. I had great intuition and was always helping and healing friends and the creatures that God created. Sarah’s story took me back in time to my childhood. Each of us have magical gifts that can be used for the goodness of life just like Sarah. I too stood strong for the kids that were bullied or laughed at. I was a beacon of light in love and kindness. In this book Believing in the Magic is used several times. The mindset of positive thinking and using your gifts for the greater good as Sarah brought out helping her friend Leila, are belief systems we all can learn from. In this story the messages are we are our own magic and believe in the power of thought for the greater good. There are rich undertones of knowledge with Believing in the Magic that not only serve a young audience but also adults. This is a book to read to your children and discuss with them. The story weaves in and out a young girl who helps a new girl who has been picked on and doesn’t quite know how to use her magical abilities. It’s a story of a compassionate friendship with a binding of acceptance in unconditional love.” — Cindy Hively, Intuitive Healing Catalyst for Women

Another lovely book about the supernatural!  I enjoyed reading this book Sarah’s Gift: Believing In the Magic and the first one Sarah’s Gift: Standing Up for Yourself.  I will be sharing both these books with my granddaughter over the summer so we can read them together. Believing In the Magic is a wonderful story of friendships created by special gifts.  Sarah is intuitive and makes friends with a lonely girl, Leila, who needs a friend. Sarah and Leila both have powers, though different, they both know what it is like to be different in school and have classmates tease them. Follow along as Sarah guides Leila, with the help of a black crow, to become a better person and asks Leila not to use her powers to hurt others.  I highly recommend this book for children.” — Midge Newth, Author

“Erica Tucci’s new book in the Sarah’s Gift series, Sarah’s Gift: Believing in the Magic, is just as charming and well-written as the first one. Sarah, who has the ability to see and talk to spirits, meets a new friend and learns about believing in magic in this next installment. I love that Sarah is growing in confidence and is now able to help others with what she has learned. While Sarah has special abilities, all young readers will be able to relate to themes of fitting in and gaining confidence in their own abilities. If you have a young reader at home, they won’t want to miss this great new series.” — Rosanne Bowman, Writer and Editor

Sarah’s Gift: Believing In the Magic is the second book to Erica Tucci’s series of books for kids.  After reading her first book, Sarah’s Gift: Standing Up for Yourself, I was hooked.  In both books, Sarah is trying to figure out her own gift and in the process she is helping others in various ways. This series is a great way for kids to learn how to treat each other or deal with situations like bullying & being different. I don’t want to give away too much of what is going on in the book, because I want you to read it for yourself without giving any of the book away.   I can’t wait to see what Sarah & her animal guides do next.  Believing In the Magic will keep you wanting more, I know it has made me want more. I can’t wait for the next book & I’m in my 40’s. No matter if you believe in psychics or not, it is a fun book for kids & adults.” Mia Dolney Askim, Domestic Engineer

Comments and reviews of Standing Up for Yourself

Standing Up for Yourself is a gift that many parents will welcome. It helps parents encourage a child’s gift of second sight perception that is all too often written off as ‘just your imagination’. Through the story telling Ms. Tucci provides support for children for their intuitive and psychic gifts. I’ve noticed how many more children these days are being acknowledged rather than shamed for their capacities to see, hear, and feel those ordinarily non-visible beings that make their appearance known. Both you and your child will thoroughly enjoy this story!”— Dr. Steven Farmer, Author of Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic,  and the Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. For more information go to DrStevenFarmer.com.

Standing Up for Yourself by Erica Tucci is an important book for children ( and their parents), and not just those with special psychic gifts as Sarah has. It helps us to understand what being psychic is like for a child,  especially when others label them strange and often make fun of or bully them. By making us more aware of what it’s like to have these gifts and how we can support the individuals who have them, Erica breaks thorough many barriers and opens the door for dialogue, acceptance and appreciation of the children with them and of what they have to offer us. Thank you Erica!” — Dr. Jo Anne White, Award-winning, International Bestselling Author of More Heaven: Because Every Child Is Special and Bully Free

“This brilliant and creatively playful fable tackles a tough and sensitive issue with grace and acumen. Thank you Erica Tucci! This work shines wisdom on the seldom understood problems facing intuitively gifted children and their parents! At its heart, this is a reassuring handbook to guide sixth sense kids through the perils of feeling misunderstood or outcast because of their awareness of other dimensions. As one of these kids myself, I would have felt extraordinarily comforted from reading this validating story.” — Sue Frederick, Author of Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side and Your Divine Lens

“A wonderful story of a young girl with psychic abilities.  I love the strength and courage of the main character.  She learns to acknowledge her special powers as a gift and speaks her truth, despite the bullying behavior she anticipates and often receives in response.  As a result, others start to note the special nature of her gift and how it can benefit them all.  It’s a message that extends to young and old: to nourish and develop our gifts despite pressures to conform to societal norms and simply blend into the crowd.  I love the lessons related to the animal totem of the Bear and how the appearance of that animal (and I hope others in future chapters) reminds the reader to take notice of certain symbolic meanings and advice on living each day.  I look forward to reading more!” —  Jennifer Lewis Bennett, Musician

“Erica’s book Standing Up for Yourself is a delightful book to help other children realize any gifts they have are to be appreciated. The most important aspect of this book is that it will hopefully help a child to realize that being accepted is sometimes not necessary, but when acceptance does come, it can be so rewarding. The end of book activities provide a solid re-enforcement of the story.” — Christina Stevens, Writer and Photographer

“I loved the book, especially that it helps build confidence in a child’s intuitive ability, allows the opportunity for change to occur in the very classmate that was initially a bully; while at the same time – bringing a mother and a daughter together even closer and allowing the mother to claim back her own intuition legacy!!!” — Gloria Shoon, Intuitive Healer

“It is a great tale about healing and trusting the intuitive part of ourselves. All the gifts we are given to proceed through the journey of life. How do we help others? By helping ourselves. By listening to the small voices within us. There is a place for all that the imagination holds. The truthfulness of a young girl’s experience leads everyone around her to make different choices. She is unique and special. Only her outward experience correlates with the fact that she wears shoes that make her look different on the outside and feel like an outcast. Bullying is often the result of patterns that are passed from early childhood. Yet in this tale the dead come to remind us that it is never too late to change. We embrace our loved ones across the divide of life and death…. She has gifts from within that make her unique and special. Yet it is only with the acceptance of her Spirit Guide, Bear, that she is able to embrace her uniqueness, to a deeper sense of all that life encompasses.” — Mary Scheifen

“Erica, thank you for a great read.  Young readers will see that they have to be true to themselves and to realize how special everyone of us are.  I liked that Sarah was able to that by being truthful was her best choice in the end.  I could not put it down.  You want to know more about Sarah and her powers and you hope that the Bear Spirit continues to give her strength and direction.” — Marie Cataldi

“I just read your story and love it! I love to read many books alike, and this one is no exception. I would love to read more books like this, but sadly nobody can ever really get it right, unless they are or know somebody’s sidekick. I can relate to Sarah because I get teased for seeing things that others can’t. Thank you for writing this story, even though you don’t know me, I feel like I can connect to it. Thank you for that.” — Kriya A. Shroyer, 12-year old