10 things highly intuitive people do differently

10 things of highly intuitive peopleI came across an article on James Ricklef’s blog recently. James is a Tarot reader, lecturer, and writer, of long standing, with quite a few books under his belt.

He was giving his pithy meaning of the High Priestess of Tarot, and he used a quote to convey what the High Priestess might mean in a Tarot reading.

“Intuition [is] the subtle knowing without ever having any idea why you know it.”

The quote is from the article  “10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently” by Carolyn Gregoire.  Here is a summary of these ten things:

  1. They listen to that inner voice.
  2. They take time for solitude.
  3. They create.
  4. They practice mindfulness.
  5. They observe everything.
  6. They listen to their bodies.
  7. They connect deeply with others.
  8. They pay attention to their dreams.
  9. They enjoy plenty of down time.
  10. They mindfully let go of negative emotions.

For a thorough explanation of each, and to see if what Carolyn says rings true with you, you might enjoy reading the full article. 🙂

By the way, I am a Tarot card reader myself. Not as seasoned as James Ricklef, but I have received some pretty good feedback from some of my clients. If you are interested in having a reading with me, click here.

Oh, and my second book of Sarah’s Gift series Believing In the Magic is being released on Amazon June 30. Woohoo! Go here to read an excerpt of it.