Seeing through your divine lens

Your divine lens

Your divine lens“We each come here with a great soul intention to live up to our greatest potential, line our lives up with our highest self, and do great work that helps others. We hit bumps in the road; loss, illness, financial challenges, childhood pain and relationship turmoil. When we align our ego mind with the wisdom of the soul – we step into our power. We see the hidden beauty of each painful moment; we understand the purpose of each perfectly designed challenge. We know exactly who we are and how to move forward to our great potential. This is the beauty of your Divine Lens. You can access your Divine Lens at any moment. It’s a simple shift of perception: Here’s how…”

That’s how Sue Frederick summarizes her book Your Divine Lens. I had the pleasure of reading it and all I can say is WOW! What a book! I felt like I was reading my own story. As you may know, I am a stroke survivor and my stroke was Spirit’s way of getting me back on track and seeing life through my “divine lens”. It was about complete surrender from my “egoic” way of being to following the path of Spirit. My mantra since has been “I’m on a magic carpet ride with Spirit at the helm”. Isn’t that what Your Divine Lens is saying? To follow the natural flow of life, and get out of your own way?

We are our own worst enemy. We often try to control every aspect of our lives and then we wonder why things don’t seem to go the way we want them to. At least that’s how my life was pre-stroke. In fact, that’s why I had my stroke. Funny that my right side (my masculine side) was stroked. The masculine energy (we all have it!) is not only the practical, logical and analytical side of us, but it’s also the energy within us that wants to control and dominate. But that needs to be balanced by the feminine energy that nurtures, that’s compassionate, that operates from the heart instead of the mind. Unfortunately, I was askew, I was lopsided. 🙂 So, Spirit bonked me on the head and decommissioned my right side (my masculine side) so that my feminine side could emerge. “Your health challenges are rich with soul lessons and perfectly designed to help you evolve in just the way you need to.” Exactly!! Perfectly put, Sue!

It’s funny how reading Sue’s book cracked my heart wide open. I have always been one to see through my divine lens, to the extent of finding it difficult sometimes to be grounded. I find myself out in “woo woo” land a bit too often. 🙂 This may contradict what I just said about myself, since being in woo woo land is a trait of the intuitive feminine side, and that part of me had fallen into the shadows behind my masculine side. So let me explain…

The way I used to see through my divine lens was more of an intellectual exercise where I would feel or see something at the soul level, but then it would be filtered through my mind’s eye to the detriment of what my heart was trying to express. That was my masculine side taking control, trying to disable my feminine intuitive side. Reading Sue’s book helped me reach deep in my heart without the voice of my mind interfering. I was finding the balance between my masculine and feminine energies, between my ego and my intuition. It’s this unifying of the two that makes you wholesome. It’s like Sue said…”when you align your ego with the wisdom of your soul – you step into you power”. And what great place to be! Don’t you think?

All I can say is “Sue, thank you for your wonderful gift!”

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Erica TucciERICA TUCCI had a full life as a corporate manager of a Fortune 500 company, a healing arts business owner and an author. It all came to a screeching halt in June 2011 when she had a stroke. During her recovery, she gained much wisdom about what’s really important in life. Although she was a Reiki master, massage therapist and life coach as well as a corporate cog for many years, she realized that her passion was her books. Her hope now is that the messages of her books will be an inspiration for others, young and old. Visit her websites at, and

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